Stalking Awareness – 26th April 2022 4:00 – 5:30pm – Online with Alison Bird

Learning outcomes:

  • Improve awareness & understanding around stalking.
  • Improve confidence in identifying stalking at the earliest opportunity.

Target audience:

Front line workers and managers – those working with victims and families affected by domestic abuse.

Alison Bird is the Training Manager and Clinical Lead for Stalking at Solace Women’s Aid. Alison has worked nationally and locally with stalking/domestic abuse survivors for over a decade and was one of the first established and accredited Independent Stalking Advocacy Case Workers (ISACs) in the UK. She is a leading expert in the anti-stalking field. She was part of the consultation with key stakeholders and MPs for both the Stalking Protection Orders 2020 and the long-awaited Domestic Abuse Draft Bill.

Alison is a Visiting Senior Fellow for Social Policy at University of Suffolk and alongside the University of Suffolk has just published research on the Victim’s Right to Review (VRR) in stalking cases that have been No Further Actioned (NFAd).

Alison was also featured recently in: The UK’s femicide epidemic: who’s killing our daughters? report by The Guardian. Alison is a speaker at national and local conferences as well as a trainer.  She is also a DHR Chair.  As an Associate of the National Stalking Consortium, she and her peers influence policy and policy makers on stalking matters.

To attend the session via Microsoft Teams please save the link in your calendar to access at the appropriate time: